A message from Andrew Mann, the new OMRS President (Main Society)
Having been elected as OMRS President in October 2024, I wanted to take this opportunity to say a few words to our members. The OMRS continued to prosper under the leadership of Robin Thomas and the Trustees during the last few years. I intend to devote my time and effort to continuing to grow and develop the Society, together with the Trustees, and to listen to the wants and needs of our members in so doing.
For our existing members, I am looking to make interactions with the Society as straightforward and rewarding as possible. Our online offering will continue to grow, with more of the Tamplin Archive scheduled for release during 2025. It is key that the OMRS website is easy to use and provides all the access and functionality that you need. We will grow our social media presence in a prudent manner, looking to increase our appeal with the younger generation. The Journal will continue to set the highest standards through the quality and diversity of articles on medals research. We intend to maintain and enhance our face-to-face contact with members through the branch network and our online and physical events.
This said, I am aware that there remains much work to do to meet members’ expectations. I am very willing to listen to any constructive suggestions you may have which would improve the operation and output of the Society. Together with your Trustees, I will consider and, where practical, beneficial and resources (financial and volunteer capacity) permit, incorporate your ideas into our ongoing development of the Society.
Having been elected as OMRS President in October 2024, I wanted to take this opportunity to say a few words to our members. The OMRS continued to prosper under the leadership of Robin Thomas and the Trustees during the last few years. I intend to devote my time and effort to continuing to grow and develop the Society, together with the Trustees, and to listen to the wants and needs of our members in so doing.
For our existing members, I am looking to make interactions with the Society as straightforward and rewarding as possible. Our online offering will continue to grow, with more of the Tamplin Archive scheduled for release during 2025. It is key that the OMRS website is easy to use and provides all the access and functionality that you need. We will grow our social media presence in a prudent manner, looking to increase our appeal with the younger generation. The Journal will continue to set the highest standards through the quality and diversity of articles on medals research. We intend to maintain and enhance our face-to-face contact with members through the branch network and our online and physical events.
This said, I am aware that there remains much work to do to meet members’ expectations. I am very willing to listen to any constructive suggestions you may have which would improve the operation and output of the Society. Together with your Trustees, I will consider and, where practical, beneficial and resources (financial and volunteer capacity) permit, incorporate your ideas into our ongoing development of the Society.
November 2024 Newsletter
Recent Events
On 18 Oct 2024 Branch member Jeremy Stone, a former British Army officer and HK Police officer, delivered an excellent presentation on the First Anglo-Afghan War of 1839 - 1842. This event was held at the United Services Recreation Club, (USRC), in Jordan, Kowloon. Jeremy’s emphasis during his presentation was on the role played by his x3 great-grandfather, Lt. Col. Andrew Crawford, who was an officer in the Bengal Army of the Honourable East India Company during this conflict. A full report on Jeremy’s presentation will soon be uploaded to the Branch website; please visit www.omrs-hk.org and click on “Recent Events.”
Upcoming Events
Hopefully everyone will, by now, have received the flyer distributed by Branch President Steve Verralls regarding the Branch Christmas Dinner to be held on Thursday 19 December, again at the USRC. If you have not received or seen this flyer, please visit the Branch website and click on “Upcoming Events.” That link will take you to the aforementioned flyer distributed by Steve. I would like to emphasise the deadline (20 Nov) regarding replies, if you are intending to attend the function and you have not yet replied to Steve.Please note, as I am sure everyone will appreciate, that the catering people at the USRC are very busy at this time of the year, with numerous parties and dinners to be held at the venue.It behoves us all to supply the club with all the details they require, (numbers), as soon as possible in order to make the evening a success.
In Memoriam
The Branch notes with sadness the recent death in the U.K. of Mr. David Deptford QPM CPM, aged 84. David was a retired Chief Superintendent in the Royal Hong Kong Police, and a Branch member from the earliest days of its inception.
He served as the Branch Treasurer from 1989-95. Our condolences to David’s family.
Martin Heyes
Hon. Secretary
Recent Events
On 18 Oct 2024 Branch member Jeremy Stone, a former British Army officer and HK Police officer, delivered an excellent presentation on the First Anglo-Afghan War of 1839 - 1842. This event was held at the United Services Recreation Club, (USRC), in Jordan, Kowloon. Jeremy’s emphasis during his presentation was on the role played by his x3 great-grandfather, Lt. Col. Andrew Crawford, who was an officer in the Bengal Army of the Honourable East India Company during this conflict. A full report on Jeremy’s presentation will soon be uploaded to the Branch website; please visit www.omrs-hk.org and click on “Recent Events.”
Upcoming Events
Hopefully everyone will, by now, have received the flyer distributed by Branch President Steve Verralls regarding the Branch Christmas Dinner to be held on Thursday 19 December, again at the USRC. If you have not received or seen this flyer, please visit the Branch website and click on “Upcoming Events.” That link will take you to the aforementioned flyer distributed by Steve. I would like to emphasise the deadline (20 Nov) regarding replies, if you are intending to attend the function and you have not yet replied to Steve.Please note, as I am sure everyone will appreciate, that the catering people at the USRC are very busy at this time of the year, with numerous parties and dinners to be held at the venue.It behoves us all to supply the club with all the details they require, (numbers), as soon as possible in order to make the evening a success.
In Memoriam
The Branch notes with sadness the recent death in the U.K. of Mr. David Deptford QPM CPM, aged 84. David was a retired Chief Superintendent in the Royal Hong Kong Police, and a Branch member from the earliest days of its inception.
He served as the Branch Treasurer from 1989-95. Our condolences to David’s family.
Martin Heyes
Hon. Secretary
October 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to our October 2024 Branch newsletter. No doubt many members who have been out of town during the swelteringly hot summer months have now returned to HK, where we have started to enjoy the glorious autumnal weather. If you do fall within this category, welcome back!
No matter what your circumstances though, please read on and hopefully you will find something of interest in these notes.
Recent Events
Whether by accident or design I’m not really sure, but in recent months the Branch has appeared to adopt the practice of holding events bi-monthly. A report on all our events can be found on the branch website at www.omrs-hk.org, (click on “Recent Events” on the menu bar), so only a fleeting reference to those events need be made here.
In March a good turnout enjoyed a presentation from local writer and historian David Bellis, prior to his relocation to his native South Wales.
David runs the award-winning www.gwulo.com website, home to over 50,000 pages on Hong Kong history, including thousands of photographs.
Our next event was held in May, when a small group visited the offices of local lawyer Roy Delbyck in Tsim Sha Tsui. Roy has amassed an extraordinary collection of printed material and other ephemera over many years, all connected with Hong Kong, China and the Chinese experience in the United States.
After a short summer break, we enjoyed a visit in early August to the Hong Kong Maritime Museum at the Star Ferry Pier in Central. Whoever decided to re-house the museum in 2012 in Central from its original home in Stanley, made a good call!
Upcoming Event
The next event, as I’m sure everyone will be aware, will be held this coming Friday 18 October, when Branch member Jeremy Stone will give a presentation at the United Services Recreation Club, Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.
Again, full details can be found on the Branch website; please click on “Upcoming Events” on the menu bar.
Jeremy’s talk is titled “The First Anglo-Afghan War (1839 - 1842); the Involvement of Lt. Col. Andrew Crawford.” This officer, who was Jeremy’s third great-grandfather, was an officer in the Bombay Army of the Honourable East India Company who played a significant role in that conflict.
There has been a remarkable level of interest expressed in Jeremy’s talk, to the point where we found ourselves drastically over- subscribed for the room which we were originally allocated.
If you are attending this event, please note that we will no longer be holding it in the Banyan Room. We have now been allocated the larger Aviary at the USRC; all other details remain unchanged.
Future Events
Please make a note in your diaries for the ever-popular Branch Christmas Dinner - even if we are still only in October! (Tempus fugit and all that..).
The Dinner, again to be held at the USRC, is scheduled for 19 December, probably in the Garden Room.
Early in the New Year, (date to be decided), the Branch plans to conduct an overseas visit - something we haven’t done since pre-Covid days!
Only Macau - nothing too ambitious. Nearer the time we will seek expressions of interest, and we will decide whether to make it a one day trip or to stay overnight.
Finally another visit to the Green Hub in Tai Po, the former Tai Po Police Station, will be arranged in early 2025.
Article Published in OMRS Journal
Branch members who are also members of the parent OMRS organisation in the U.K., will by now have received their copy, (or have had sight of it online), of the September 2024 edition of the Society Journal.
Branch member Stephen Mosely is to be congratulated on having had a fascinating article published in that edition, titled “Major Willie Pilcher: a proud ‘Fire-eating Devil’ of the Min-Ho-Loong Rifles.”
In his article Steve studies in detail
the life and times of a man who moved to Shanghai in 1889 aged 18, and who lived there until his death in 1946. His great interest in life was his beloved Shanghai Volunteer Corps, and one can only imagine the turbulent times during which he lived and served, including the Boxer Rebellion and 2 World Wars!
We have received interest from as far away as the United Kingdom and New Zealand, from people wanting to contact Steve regarding his article. Major Pilcher’s medals recently came up for auction.
Well done Steve!
Welcome to our October 2024 Branch newsletter. No doubt many members who have been out of town during the swelteringly hot summer months have now returned to HK, where we have started to enjoy the glorious autumnal weather. If you do fall within this category, welcome back!
No matter what your circumstances though, please read on and hopefully you will find something of interest in these notes.
Recent Events
Whether by accident or design I’m not really sure, but in recent months the Branch has appeared to adopt the practice of holding events bi-monthly. A report on all our events can be found on the branch website at www.omrs-hk.org, (click on “Recent Events” on the menu bar), so only a fleeting reference to those events need be made here.
In March a good turnout enjoyed a presentation from local writer and historian David Bellis, prior to his relocation to his native South Wales.
David runs the award-winning www.gwulo.com website, home to over 50,000 pages on Hong Kong history, including thousands of photographs.
Our next event was held in May, when a small group visited the offices of local lawyer Roy Delbyck in Tsim Sha Tsui. Roy has amassed an extraordinary collection of printed material and other ephemera over many years, all connected with Hong Kong, China and the Chinese experience in the United States.
After a short summer break, we enjoyed a visit in early August to the Hong Kong Maritime Museum at the Star Ferry Pier in Central. Whoever decided to re-house the museum in 2012 in Central from its original home in Stanley, made a good call!
Upcoming Event
The next event, as I’m sure everyone will be aware, will be held this coming Friday 18 October, when Branch member Jeremy Stone will give a presentation at the United Services Recreation Club, Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.
Again, full details can be found on the Branch website; please click on “Upcoming Events” on the menu bar.
Jeremy’s talk is titled “The First Anglo-Afghan War (1839 - 1842); the Involvement of Lt. Col. Andrew Crawford.” This officer, who was Jeremy’s third great-grandfather, was an officer in the Bombay Army of the Honourable East India Company who played a significant role in that conflict.
There has been a remarkable level of interest expressed in Jeremy’s talk, to the point where we found ourselves drastically over- subscribed for the room which we were originally allocated.
If you are attending this event, please note that we will no longer be holding it in the Banyan Room. We have now been allocated the larger Aviary at the USRC; all other details remain unchanged.
Future Events
Please make a note in your diaries for the ever-popular Branch Christmas Dinner - even if we are still only in October! (Tempus fugit and all that..).
The Dinner, again to be held at the USRC, is scheduled for 19 December, probably in the Garden Room.
Early in the New Year, (date to be decided), the Branch plans to conduct an overseas visit - something we haven’t done since pre-Covid days!
Only Macau - nothing too ambitious. Nearer the time we will seek expressions of interest, and we will decide whether to make it a one day trip or to stay overnight.
Finally another visit to the Green Hub in Tai Po, the former Tai Po Police Station, will be arranged in early 2025.
Article Published in OMRS Journal
Branch members who are also members of the parent OMRS organisation in the U.K., will by now have received their copy, (or have had sight of it online), of the September 2024 edition of the Society Journal.
Branch member Stephen Mosely is to be congratulated on having had a fascinating article published in that edition, titled “Major Willie Pilcher: a proud ‘Fire-eating Devil’ of the Min-Ho-Loong Rifles.”
In his article Steve studies in detail
the life and times of a man who moved to Shanghai in 1889 aged 18, and who lived there until his death in 1946. His great interest in life was his beloved Shanghai Volunteer Corps, and one can only imagine the turbulent times during which he lived and served, including the Boxer Rebellion and 2 World Wars!
We have received interest from as far away as the United Kingdom and New Zealand, from people wanting to contact Steve regarding his article. Major Pilcher’s medals recently came up for auction.
Well done Steve!
Call for Branch Membership Subscriptions 2024-25
Please click here for information on the 2024-25 Branch Subscriptions
Please click here for information on the 2024-25 Branch Subscriptions
OMRS Branch 2023 Annual Report in the Society Journal can be see here
Noonan Auctions Office in Hong Kong
Members may be interested to know that the leading London auction house Noonans of Mayfair https://www.noonans.co.uk/ (previously DNW) have set up a Hong Kong representative office in Mercer Street under the management of our member Steve Mosely.
The office will accept consignments for auction and ship them insured and free of charge to their auction house in London. There will be a special introductory offer on the seller’s commission for consignments made by OMRS HK Branch members before April 30 2024.
Anyone who is interested should Whatsapp Steve Mosely on 90225619
Members may be interested to know that the leading London auction house Noonans of Mayfair https://www.noonans.co.uk/ (previously DNW) have set up a Hong Kong representative office in Mercer Street under the management of our member Steve Mosely.
The office will accept consignments for auction and ship them insured and free of charge to their auction house in London. There will be a special introductory offer on the seller’s commission for consignments made by OMRS HK Branch members before April 30 2024.
Anyone who is interested should Whatsapp Steve Mosely on 90225619
Mr. Denis Shackleton MBE, QPM, CPM
The Branch noted with sadness the passing in November of former Branch President Mr. Denis Shackleton MBE, QPM, CPM in Australia. Denis achieved senior rank in the Royal Hong Kong Police and at one stage in his career served as ADC to HE the Governor. Denis was very much a pioneer in arranging overseas Branch visits and long-serving members will recall him arranging trips to such locations as the Bogue Forts in China and Corregidor in the Philippines.
Our condolences to Denis’ family.
The Branch noted with sadness the passing in November of former Branch President Mr. Denis Shackleton MBE, QPM, CPM in Australia. Denis achieved senior rank in the Royal Hong Kong Police and at one stage in his career served as ADC to HE the Governor. Denis was very much a pioneer in arranging overseas Branch visits and long-serving members will recall him arranging trips to such locations as the Bogue Forts in China and Corregidor in the Philippines.
Our condolences to Denis’ family.
Open Museums at Hong Kong WW2 Battlefield Sites
Members may be interested to learn of a proposed development regarding the preservation of wartime relics at some of Hong Kong’s WW 2 battlefield sites, located within present day country parks.
The Hong Kong Government, through the Country Parks Authority of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, have commissioned a leading engineering company in Hong Kong to conduct a feasibility study into the creation of “open museums” at various locations in the territory.
The aim of the study is to assess the feasibility of these museums which will preserve wartime relics and enhance people’s understanding of wartime activity, through the installation of maps, plans, information boards and artefacts in situ. The provision of tours led by battlefield guides will also be considered.
A workshop and interview was conducted in June 2023 into the feasibility of the project, in which the Branch participated. The two locations shortlisted in the pilot project are the Shing Mun Redoubt, (Shing Mun Country Park), and Pinewood Battery, (Lung Fu Shan Country Park).
It will be appreciated that the project is very much in the early stages, and that this is very much a case of “watch this space” at present.
Members may be interested to learn of a proposed development regarding the preservation of wartime relics at some of Hong Kong’s WW 2 battlefield sites, located within present day country parks.
The Hong Kong Government, through the Country Parks Authority of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, have commissioned a leading engineering company in Hong Kong to conduct a feasibility study into the creation of “open museums” at various locations in the territory.
The aim of the study is to assess the feasibility of these museums which will preserve wartime relics and enhance people’s understanding of wartime activity, through the installation of maps, plans, information boards and artefacts in situ. The provision of tours led by battlefield guides will also be considered.
A workshop and interview was conducted in June 2023 into the feasibility of the project, in which the Branch participated. The two locations shortlisted in the pilot project are the Shing Mun Redoubt, (Shing Mun Country Park), and Pinewood Battery, (Lung Fu Shan Country Park).
It will be appreciated that the project is very much in the early stages, and that this is very much a case of “watch this space” at present.
Call for Branch membership subscriptions 2023-24
Please click here for information on the 2023-24 Branch Subscriptions
Please click here for information on the 2023-24 Branch Subscriptions
"Developing the Heart: E.M. Forster and India" by Nigel Collett
Established author and branch member Nigel Collett has had the captioned book published by the City University of Hong Kong Press. At the moment, it is only available in Hong Kong. Information is here.
Established author and branch member Nigel Collett has had the captioned book published by the City University of Hong Kong Press. At the moment, it is only available in Hong Kong. Information is here.
Face to face meetings are back
Normality is returning in 2022 as the Orders & Medals Research Society is planning a physical Convention in London on 23/24 September and several branches outline programmes of face to face meetings. After two years of online events necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic, Society members will be able to meet up as they used to. This welcome return to the old ways comes just as the Queen marks the first-ever Platinum Jubilee – an unprecedented 70 years on the throne. A Jubilee Medal commemorating this is being issued.
After an enforced break of two years, the Society is pleased to announce that, subject to final confirmation, it is planning to hold the annual Convention in London starting on Friday 23 September with the principal events on Saturday 24th. The Society will look at the Convention format to see if it needs to change in light of what has happened in the last two years. In planning the return to a ‘normal’ Convention the OMRS is taking the opportunity to ensure that Convention engages as many members as possible and so it intends to keep the virtual exhibition and online talk elements of the virtual Convention that proved popular.
Now that there are two potential formats for exhibitors, the OMRS is conducting a poll to see how many members intend to enter an exhibit this year and in which category, virtual or normal. Members who intend to exhibit and who have not yet completed the poll can do so HERE: This is being done so the Society can ensure that it has the correct amount of space available for the number of entrants. Please note: this will be an indication of intention to exhibit, not registration for the exhibition, which will open later.
Thames Valley, London and Surrey are among the branches of the OMRS that have announced their ‘face to face’ meetings programmes for 2022.
Thames Valley’s venue is unchanged. The branch meets on the third Thursday of every month, except August and December, from 7.30pm until 10.00pm at Theale Green School, Church Street, Theale, RG7 5DA. The next three meetings are: 17 February, Arthur Satterley on ‘African mariners in the Royal Navy’; 17 March, Wayne Ratcliffe on ‘gallantry to the 2nd Battalion Imperial Camel Corps’; and 21 April, Andrew Mann on The Army of India Medal.
London branch meets on the last Monday of odd-numbered months (except where this is a Bank Holiday) plus April and October at Spink, 69 Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 4ET. Tea and biscuits from 6pm, meeting start at 6.30pm. Speakers at the next three meetings are: 28 March, Andrew Mann on The Army of India Medal; 25 April, Graham Grist on ‘Canadians buried in Brookwood Military Cemetery’; and 23 May, Robert Wilde-Evans on ‘World Wars and colonial campaigning in East Africa 1914-60’.
Surrey branch meets at The Fairmile, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1BW starting at 8pm. The next three speakers are: 21 February, Christopher Mellor-Hill on ‘The Story of the DCM’; 21 March, Pete Starling on ‘Two Doctors and Four VCs’; and 25 April, Steve Fullman on ‘The Defence of Legations’.
March issue of the Society Journal
Articles in the March issue of the Journal include the story behind the creation of the Scott Memorial Medal of 1913; British honours to Arabs serving with the Trucial Oman Scouts; the remarkable case of Joel and John Fisher, a father and son who were both fine soldiers but one of them was hanged for murder; and an explanation of why certain aircrew in the Second World War had the original award of the ‘BATTLE OF BRITAIN’ clasp to the 1939-45 Star revoked.
Book on the Indian Distinguished Service Medal
Squadron Leader Rana Chhina, author of The Indian Distinguished Service Medal, has generously offered remaining copies of his book, published in 2001, to the Military Historical Society. The latter is making these available at £10 a copy, including p&p, to UK customers. The weight of the book will increase the price to overseas buyers. However at inclusive prices ranging from £20 to continental Europe to £38 to the USA, it still represents good value. Further details can be found in the news section of the MHS website (www.militaryhistoricalsociety.co.uk). To order a copy, please email [email protected] or write to MHS, Lower Brook Farm, Smithy Lane, Rainow, Macclesfield, SK10 5UP, United Kingdom.
Face to face meetings are back
Normality is returning in 2022 as the Orders & Medals Research Society is planning a physical Convention in London on 23/24 September and several branches outline programmes of face to face meetings. After two years of online events necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic, Society members will be able to meet up as they used to. This welcome return to the old ways comes just as the Queen marks the first-ever Platinum Jubilee – an unprecedented 70 years on the throne. A Jubilee Medal commemorating this is being issued.
After an enforced break of two years, the Society is pleased to announce that, subject to final confirmation, it is planning to hold the annual Convention in London starting on Friday 23 September with the principal events on Saturday 24th. The Society will look at the Convention format to see if it needs to change in light of what has happened in the last two years. In planning the return to a ‘normal’ Convention the OMRS is taking the opportunity to ensure that Convention engages as many members as possible and so it intends to keep the virtual exhibition and online talk elements of the virtual Convention that proved popular.
Now that there are two potential formats for exhibitors, the OMRS is conducting a poll to see how many members intend to enter an exhibit this year and in which category, virtual or normal. Members who intend to exhibit and who have not yet completed the poll can do so HERE: This is being done so the Society can ensure that it has the correct amount of space available for the number of entrants. Please note: this will be an indication of intention to exhibit, not registration for the exhibition, which will open later.
Thames Valley, London and Surrey are among the branches of the OMRS that have announced their ‘face to face’ meetings programmes for 2022.
Thames Valley’s venue is unchanged. The branch meets on the third Thursday of every month, except August and December, from 7.30pm until 10.00pm at Theale Green School, Church Street, Theale, RG7 5DA. The next three meetings are: 17 February, Arthur Satterley on ‘African mariners in the Royal Navy’; 17 March, Wayne Ratcliffe on ‘gallantry to the 2nd Battalion Imperial Camel Corps’; and 21 April, Andrew Mann on The Army of India Medal.
London branch meets on the last Monday of odd-numbered months (except where this is a Bank Holiday) plus April and October at Spink, 69 Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 4ET. Tea and biscuits from 6pm, meeting start at 6.30pm. Speakers at the next three meetings are: 28 March, Andrew Mann on The Army of India Medal; 25 April, Graham Grist on ‘Canadians buried in Brookwood Military Cemetery’; and 23 May, Robert Wilde-Evans on ‘World Wars and colonial campaigning in East Africa 1914-60’.
Surrey branch meets at The Fairmile, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1BW starting at 8pm. The next three speakers are: 21 February, Christopher Mellor-Hill on ‘The Story of the DCM’; 21 March, Pete Starling on ‘Two Doctors and Four VCs’; and 25 April, Steve Fullman on ‘The Defence of Legations’.
March issue of the Society Journal
Articles in the March issue of the Journal include the story behind the creation of the Scott Memorial Medal of 1913; British honours to Arabs serving with the Trucial Oman Scouts; the remarkable case of Joel and John Fisher, a father and son who were both fine soldiers but one of them was hanged for murder; and an explanation of why certain aircrew in the Second World War had the original award of the ‘BATTLE OF BRITAIN’ clasp to the 1939-45 Star revoked.
Book on the Indian Distinguished Service Medal
Squadron Leader Rana Chhina, author of The Indian Distinguished Service Medal, has generously offered remaining copies of his book, published in 2001, to the Military Historical Society. The latter is making these available at £10 a copy, including p&p, to UK customers. The weight of the book will increase the price to overseas buyers. However at inclusive prices ranging from £20 to continental Europe to £38 to the USA, it still represents good value. Further details can be found in the news section of the MHS website (www.militaryhistoricalsociety.co.uk). To order a copy, please email [email protected] or write to MHS, Lower Brook Farm, Smithy Lane, Rainow, Macclesfield, SK10 5UP, United Kingdom.
OMRS Hong Kong Branch Report 2021
The branch report as submitted by the Hon Secretary to be publicised in the OMRS Journal can be seen here
The branch report as submitted by the Hon Secretary to be publicised in the OMRS Journal can be seen here
Interactive Map - Fall of Hong Kong
Those who attended the visit to the Coastal Defence Museum to view the Walker medals will recall Dr Kwong Chi-man of Baptist University who facilitated the visit. Dr Kwong recently unveiled his interactive map which documents the Fall of Hong Kong in December 1941 by placing unit locations, both Allied and Japanese, by the hour. Considerable research has been conducted by Dr Kwong and his history students to produce this unique map.
The map has been uploaded to the internet and can be seen here.
Those who attended the visit to the Coastal Defence Museum to view the Walker medals will recall Dr Kwong Chi-man of Baptist University who facilitated the visit. Dr Kwong recently unveiled his interactive map which documents the Fall of Hong Kong in December 1941 by placing unit locations, both Allied and Japanese, by the hour. Considerable research has been conducted by Dr Kwong and his history students to produce this unique map.
The map has been uploaded to the internet and can be seen here.
The late Prince Phillip the Duke of Edinburgh
On the sad occasion of the passing of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh our Branch President sent a letter of condolence to the Queen on behalf of the branch. The reply form Buckingham Palace can be seen here.
On the sad occasion of the passing of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh our Branch President sent a letter of condolence to the Queen on behalf of the branch. The reply form Buckingham Palace can be seen here.
The Belilios Star
Past-President David Mahoney has had a paper on Hong Kong’s own life-saving award the "Belilios Star" published in the journal of the Life Saving Awards Research Society. In 1884 Emanuel Raphael Belilios, a member of the Hong Kong Humane Society, established a reward for life saving in Hong Kong and its environs. David's paper is comprehensive and meticulously researched and includes illustrations of the awards as well as a roll of known recipients. David has kindly agreed for the paper to be uploaded to our website...... many thanks and congratulations to David. The paper can be seen here.
Past-President David Mahoney has had a paper on Hong Kong’s own life-saving award the "Belilios Star" published in the journal of the Life Saving Awards Research Society. In 1884 Emanuel Raphael Belilios, a member of the Hong Kong Humane Society, established a reward for life saving in Hong Kong and its environs. David's paper is comprehensive and meticulously researched and includes illustrations of the awards as well as a roll of known recipients. David has kindly agreed for the paper to be uploaded to our website...... many thanks and congratulations to David. The paper can be seen here.
A number of Hong Kong related medals have recently gone through the London auction houses. Prices have been strong having been given a boost by "lockdown boredom". The following links will take you some of these medals and groups - note the selling price shown is subject to further 24% buyer's premium:
A Second War M.B.E. group of twelve awarded to Major (Quartermaster) R. T. Guscott, Middlesex Regiment
O.B.E. group of seven to Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. P. T. Moor, Royal Hong Kong Police
Efficiency Medal, E.II.R., 2nd issue, Hong Kong Regiment
Colonial Special Constabulary Long Service Medal, E.II.R
WW2 group Inspector J. Riddell, Hong Kong Police
Colonial Police Medal for Gallantry awarded to Inspector, Royal Hong Kong Police Force
Hong Kong Plague 1894, silver issue Police Constable W. Ritchie
Hong Kong SAR, Order of the Medal for Bravery, bronze (3rd Class)
A Second War M.B.E. group of twelve awarded to Major (Quartermaster) R. T. Guscott, Middlesex Regiment
O.B.E. group of seven to Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. P. T. Moor, Royal Hong Kong Police
Efficiency Medal, E.II.R., 2nd issue, Hong Kong Regiment
Colonial Special Constabulary Long Service Medal, E.II.R
WW2 group Inspector J. Riddell, Hong Kong Police
Colonial Police Medal for Gallantry awarded to Inspector, Royal Hong Kong Police Force
Hong Kong Plague 1894, silver issue Police Constable W. Ritchie
Hong Kong SAR, Order of the Medal for Bravery, bronze (3rd Class)

The medals of Colonel Evan Stewart, DSO, OBE, ED, MA who rose to be Honorary Colonel of the Hong Kong Volunteers. These medals and the Colonel will be referred to in the next Branch Newsletter.
The medals are from L to R:
Distinguished Service Order (DSO), Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), British War Medal (1914-18), Victory Medal (1914-19), 1939-45 Star, Pacific Star, Defence Medal (1939-15), War Medal (1939-45) Coronation Medal King George GVI, Coronation Medal Queen Elizabeth II, Efficiency Decoration (ED) with 2 clasps
The medals are from L to R:
Distinguished Service Order (DSO), Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), British War Medal (1914-18), Victory Medal (1914-19), 1939-45 Star, Pacific Star, Defence Medal (1939-15), War Medal (1939-45) Coronation Medal King George GVI, Coronation Medal Queen Elizabeth II, Efficiency Decoration (ED) with 2 clasps
Award to Angus Stevenson-Hamilton - Angus has received his parchment which he has given permission to be uploaded. Click here to view it
Award to Angus Stevenson-Hamilton
Those who are members of the OMRS in the U.K. will be aware that the Society practices an awards system, which rewards members who have given many years of outstanding service to the Society. Such service includes giving talks to Branches; arranging trips and visits; serving a Branch in an official capacity and publishing papers, to name but a few examples.
The HK Branch is pleased to announce that former Branch President and one of the original members, Angus Stevenson-Hamilton, has been awarded the OMRS’s highest award for service, the Distinguished Service Medal, following his being nominated by the HK Branch earlier this year.
Angus has informed us that he has already received his award, but will have to wait another couple of months to receive a parchment which accompanies the medal. This will be signed personally by the Patron of the Society, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, and we understand that this document has already been sent to Clarence House.
We look forward to seeing Angus, and his medal, at an appropriate function here sometime early in 2021.
Those who are members of the OMRS in the U.K. will be aware that the Society practices an awards system, which rewards members who have given many years of outstanding service to the Society. Such service includes giving talks to Branches; arranging trips and visits; serving a Branch in an official capacity and publishing papers, to name but a few examples.
The HK Branch is pleased to announce that former Branch President and one of the original members, Angus Stevenson-Hamilton, has been awarded the OMRS’s highest award for service, the Distinguished Service Medal, following his being nominated by the HK Branch earlier this year.
Angus has informed us that he has already received his award, but will have to wait another couple of months to receive a parchment which accompanies the medal. This will be signed personally by the Patron of the Society, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, and we understand that this document has already been sent to Clarence House.
We look forward to seeing Angus, and his medal, at an appropriate function here sometime early in 2021.

Branch Shields
The Branch has now taken delivery of the OMRS shields referred to in September's newsletter, and a photograph iis on the left and was attached with the October Newsletter. If you would like to order one (or more!) of these very attractive items, please contact the Martin Heyes on [email protected] Cost is $340-HK each.
The Branch has now taken delivery of the OMRS shields referred to in September's newsletter, and a photograph iis on the left and was attached with the October Newsletter. If you would like to order one (or more!) of these very attractive items, please contact the Martin Heyes on [email protected] Cost is $340-HK each.
Passing of Mike Broom
It is with great sadness that the Committee must advise of the untimely passing of Branch stalwart, Mike Broom.
Mike served on the Committee of the Branch, and with his many contacts was instrumental in securing such venues for Branch activities as the United Services Recreation Club and the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (Volunteers) Clubhouse in Happy Valley.
With our sincerest condolences to all Mike’s family, friends and former colleagues and our heartfelt sorrow.
The Committee
OMRS HK Branch
It is with great sadness that the Committee must advise of the untimely passing of Branch stalwart, Mike Broom.
Mike served on the Committee of the Branch, and with his many contacts was instrumental in securing such venues for Branch activities as the United Services Recreation Club and the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (Volunteers) Clubhouse in Happy Valley.
With our sincerest condolences to all Mike’s family, friends and former colleagues and our heartfelt sorrow.
The Committee
OMRS HK Branch
Hon Secretary Martin Heyes has paper published in the latest OMRS Journal
Our very own Martin Heyes has had a paper on a VC and GCs awarded to Hong Kong recipients during the fall of Hong Kong and the Japanese occupation. Congratulations to Martin. The paper can be viewed here.
Our very own Martin Heyes has had a paper on a VC and GCs awarded to Hong Kong recipients during the fall of Hong Kong and the Japanese occupation. Congratulations to Martin. The paper can be viewed here.
Message from OMRS President re. Cancellation of OMRS Annual Convention
It is with great regret that I am writing to advise that your Committee has taken the decision to cancel our annual Convention, scheduled for 11-13 September at the Bristol Marriott.
This decision has not been an easy one, but the welfare of our Members and Convention attendees is paramount. In such an uncertain time, we are unable to predict when it will be possible to bring people together again, particularly in the number that attend Convention. While it is possible events will be allowed to take place by September, we had to take this decision now, before we have to commit to the costs associated with running the event; in particular the venue, for which we would soon be liable for considerable cancellation fees. The cost of cancelling an event closer to the time would be much greater than it is at present.
In addition, I know that many of you planning to exhibit start work almost as soon as the previous Convention has ended. We therefore wanted to inform you as soon as possible, rather than let you do all the hard work only to cancel much closer to the time.
Organising Convention takes most of the year. As you will appreciate, obtaining commitments from speakers, sponsors, security and volunteers is not possible when no one has any idea how long the current situation will last.
However, we are here for you at this unprecedented time, keep an eye on our website, social media channels and emails for further information.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Happy collecting.
Robin Thomas
President OMRS
It is with great regret that I am writing to advise that your Committee has taken the decision to cancel our annual Convention, scheduled for 11-13 September at the Bristol Marriott.
This decision has not been an easy one, but the welfare of our Members and Convention attendees is paramount. In such an uncertain time, we are unable to predict when it will be possible to bring people together again, particularly in the number that attend Convention. While it is possible events will be allowed to take place by September, we had to take this decision now, before we have to commit to the costs associated with running the event; in particular the venue, for which we would soon be liable for considerable cancellation fees. The cost of cancelling an event closer to the time would be much greater than it is at present.
In addition, I know that many of you planning to exhibit start work almost as soon as the previous Convention has ended. We therefore wanted to inform you as soon as possible, rather than let you do all the hard work only to cancel much closer to the time.
Organising Convention takes most of the year. As you will appreciate, obtaining commitments from speakers, sponsors, security and volunteers is not possible when no one has any idea how long the current situation will last.
However, we are here for you at this unprecedented time, keep an eye on our website, social media channels and emails for further information.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Happy collecting.
Robin Thomas
President OMRS
Branch Subscriptions
As you will see from the minutes annual subscriptions of HKD100 are now due for the year 2019-2020 (December to December). These may be paid by cheque made out to “Walam Global Innovations” and mailed to Steve Verralls, No. 8, Tai Hang Chung Sum Wai, Tai Hang Village, Tai Po, NT or by funds deposited in Bank of China a/c 012-916-1-122199-7. If funds are banked please send a copy of the deposit slip to me at [email protected]
As you will see from the minutes annual subscriptions of HKD100 are now due for the year 2019-2020 (December to December). These may be paid by cheque made out to “Walam Global Innovations” and mailed to Steve Verralls, No. 8, Tai Hang Chung Sum Wai, Tai Hang Village, Tai Po, NT or by funds deposited in Bank of China a/c 012-916-1-122199-7. If funds are banked please send a copy of the deposit slip to me at [email protected]